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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

Creates an area of chaotic, disorienting, flickering light and shadow.

AD&D 2e

Dancing Shadows
Spell Level: 2 Rarity: Uncommon (Illusionists,

Shadow Mages) or Rare

Schools: Illusion/Phantasm, Shadow
Components: V, S
Range: 30 yds Casting Time: 2
Duration: 2 rds/lv Saving Throw: Negates
Area: 30-ft. cube

The area of this spell is filled with chaotic, dancing, flickering light and shadow. Any creatures that rely on vision who are in the area must save vs. spell or become disoriented while in the area, and for 2 rounds upon leaving. Disoriented creatures take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Creatures with the blind-fighting proficiency take only a -1 penalty. Attacks made into or through the area take this penalty as well (no save allowed). The area grants thieves in the area a +20% bonus to hide in shadows (to a maximum of 90%).
