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Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki

The Imagemaker is a character kit presented in The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings for gnome illusionists. Imagemakers are illusionist-entertainers who use their magic to tell stories. Their illusions are powerful enough to fool even those whose gaze can pierce other illusions.

Character Role[]

In addition to being the vital center of a celebration or tale-telling session, imagemakers are experts at distraction and manipulation, due to their highly convincing illusions.

Building an Imagemaker[]

Imagemakers benefit from the Gambler or Scribe secondary skill. If proficiencies are used, Artistic Ability can represent an imagemaker's illusion-craft. Ancient History, Astrology, and Singing all help an imagemaker to tell their stories. Imagemakers carry around musical instruments for the same purpose, and also use a few alchemical tools in their performances: smokepots and flashballs.

Game Rule Information[]

  • Benefits:
    • Bonus Proficiency: Ventriloquism
    • Characters attempting to disbelieve images, sounds, and smells created by the imagemaker do so at a -2 penalty.
    • Creatures not normally subject to illusions are still subject to an imagemaker's illusions. They can disbelieve normally, without the -2 penalty.
    • Illusions that do not require concentration have their duration doubled when cast by an imagemaker.
    • Illusoins requiring concentration last for 2d6 rounds after the caster stops concentrating. When not concentrating on a spell, the illusion cannot respond to stimuli, but the illusion can be left to repeat an action over and over again.
  • Hinderances: Imagemakers cannot learn spells from the Greater Divination or Conjuration/Summoning schools.